Nintendo begins selling Switchs’ without Docks

The Nintendo Switch is a unique console that acts as a video game system that can seamlessly switch (pun intended) into a handheld. Some people treat it as a handheld system and rarely place it on the dock or play it on the TV. Out of 148 participants on a GameFaq forum, 17 people would play the Switch without the dock. In Japan, Nintendo has recently been selling the Switch as a standalone handheld.

The Nintendo Switch Second Set is selling at 24,980 yen which is about $250. You can charge the system with a USB-C adapter. No word on whether it will be released in the West.

Would you buy a Nintendo Switch Second Set?



Nintendo Japan Announcement

GameFaqs Forum

Epic offers $100 million for Fortnite compared to other esports games

Epic Games, the gaming studio behind Fortnite, announced yesterday that they will provide $100,000,000 to fund prize pools for Fortnite competitions. How it will be distributed remains to be announced. Epic has stated that their approach “will be different…to be more inclusive, and focused on the joy of playing and watching the game.”

Image result for dota 2 international logo

$100 million is the highest prize pool for any esports game event. Last year, Dota 2, Valve’s MOBA, had their International prize pool set at $24,687,919.00 thanks to players contributing to the pot bonus. It was split amongst the top 18 teams with 1st place taking about $10.8 million. How Fortnite will split the $100 million remains to be determined as this will be their first year hosting a prize pool.

Who will you be rooting for?



List of highest prize pools for Esports

Game Giants Podcast 4.5 (4): Why we are interested in working in the Gaming Industry! Marketing, Audio creation, and E3 game releases


NewZoo gaming industry values

Interview with Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy)

E3 game leak

Game Giants:

Benjamin Le:

Jairus Cambe: Jairus C. Music 

Nintendo announces future Super Smash Bros Test in Japan

Super Smash Bros (Name Pending) for the Nintendo Switch will be having a huge tournament at E3. While only selected players are allowed to play at the tournament, Nintendo has announced future Smash Bros tournament in Japan. Whether they announce events in the West remains to be determined but expect more news soon from Nintendo. If you happen to be in Japan, these are the following events.

  • Rage 2018 Summer on June 17 at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba
  • Jisedai World Hobby Fair 2018 Summer from June 23 to 24 at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba
  • Jump Victory Carnival 2018 Tokyo on July 16 at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba
  • Jump Victory Carnival 2018 Osaka on July 22 at Intex Osaka

I look forward to seeing what Nintendo and Sakurai (Creator of the Smash Bro’s series) will show this year.


Nintendo JP